ZebraCSSButtonsMain buttonTextText InputLabel/Textbox Pairs
Living Style Guide
ZebraCSS Living Style Guide

1 Buttons

These CSS styles from kss-node

2 Text

These CSS styles from kss-node

1 Buttons

These CSS styles from kss-node

1.1 Main button

A majority of buttons in the site are built from the same base class.

1.1 Main button

A majority of buttons in the site are built from the same base class.

Link Button
<a href="#" class="button {$modifiers}">Link Button</a>
<button class="button {$modifiers}">Button Element</button>
<input type="button" class="button {$modifiers}" value="input[type='button']"/>
Link Button
Link Button
Link Button
Link Button
Link Button
[.primary] Indicate that the button is the primary feature of this form.

<a href="#" class="button primary">Link Button</a> <button class="button primary">Button Element</button> <input type="button" class="button primary" value="input[type='button']"/>
[.remove] Indicate that the button will remove a feature, or other negative connotations.

<a href="#" class="button remove">Link Button</a> <button class="button remove">Button Element</button> <input type="button" class="button remove" value="input[type='button']"/>
[:hover] Highlight the button when hovered.

<a href="#" class="button pseudo-class-hover">Link Button</a> <button class="button pseudo-class-hover">Button Element</button> <input type="button" class="button pseudo-class-hover" value="input[type='button']"/>
[:disabled] Make the button change appearance to reflect it being disabled.

<a href="#" class="button pseudo-class-disabled">Link Button</a> <button class="button pseudo-class-disabled">Button Element</button> <input type="button" class="button pseudo-class-disabled" value="input[type='button']"/>
[:active] "Press" the button down when clicked.

<a href="#" class="button pseudo-class-active">Link Button</a> <button class="button pseudo-class-active">Button Element</button> <input type="button" class="button pseudo-class-active" value="input[type='button']"/>

2 Text

These CSS styles from kss-node

2.1 Text Input

Below are the text-oriented form elements used on the site.

2.2 Label/Textbox Pairs

All labelled textboxes should be included in a wrapper <div> element for both layout convenience and specific styling.

2.1 Text Input

Below are the text-oriented form elements used on the site.

<input type="text" class="{$modifiers}" value="Text"/>
[:hover] Highlight the text box when hovering.

<input type="text" class="pseudo-class-hover" value="Text"/>
[:focus] Similar to :hover, however it should demand more attention than when an input is simply hovered.

<input type="text" class="pseudo-class-focus" value="Text"/>
[:disabled] When disabled, the input's appearance should reflect as such.

<input type="text" class="pseudo-class-disabled" value="Text"/>

2.2 Label/Textbox Pairs

All labelled textboxes should be included in a wrapper <div> element for both layout convenience and specific styling.

<div class="mod-input text {$modifiers}">
     <label>Text Label</label>
     <input type="text" value="Text Input"/>
[.disabled] To be used when the text input inside is expected to be disabled.

<div class="mod-input text disabled"> <label>Text Label</label> <input type="text" value="Text Input"/> </div>
[.invalid] To be used if the input has failed a validation check.

<div class="mod-input text invalid"> <label>Text Label</label> <input type="text" value="Text Input"/> </div>
[.valid] To be used if the input has passed a validation check (intended for live validation in particular).

<div class="mod-input text valid"> <label>Text Label</label> <input type="text" value="Text Input"/> </div>